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My name is Jerod Pennington, a game designer specializing in educational game design, UX, and level design, with a passion for creating memorable experiences. Thanks for checking out my work, and scroll down for more!


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Plunder Panic


Games for Entertainment and Learning Lab



Primary Role: Designer

Secondary Role(s): Level Design, Project Management, QA


Pirate-themed 6 vs. 6 multiplayer arcade game for PC/Switch


  • Designed and implemented three volcano level layouts

  • Balanced the four win conditions so that all are viable

  • Assisted in project management and assigning tasks


Winner of IndieCade's Audience Choice award for 2017!


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Timeless Tale


7 Person Group Project



Primary Role: Designer

Secondary Role(s): Level Design, Producer, QA


Turn-based, 2.5D RPG inspired by Paper Mario for PC/Mac


  • Designed the Chronobooster, a unique timing based combat system

  • Responsible for all art implementation and level design




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9 Person Group Project



Primary Role: Lead Designer

Secondary Role(s): Level Design, Producer, QA


3D Action-Platformer centered around toys for PC/Mac


  • Designed 3 levels, and progression with different movement mechanics 

  • Responsible for managing team and interfacing with industry partner and client





Dream Racer


Games for Entertainment and Learning Lab



Primary Role: Level Designer

Secondary Role(s): QA


Financial literacy kart racing game for Web, Android, and iOS


  • Responsible for designing and implementing two new racetrack levels, a snowy volcano track and classic style track

  • Adjusted and balanced item layouts of rockets, coins, and boost pads 


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Chicken Flick'en


5 Person Group Project



Primary Role: Lead Designer

Secondary Role(s): Sound Designer, UI Artist/Designer


3D casual sports game for Android/iOS where you launch chickens!


  • Designed and oversaw the main flicking mechanic

  • Implementation of art assets into three progressing levels


Winner of the MSU Game Dev Showcase 'Best in Show' for 2017!


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4 Person Group Project



Primary Role: Lead Designer

Secondary Role(s): Level/Puzzle Designer


2D side-scrolling puzzle game set in a medieval science era


  • Designed and implemented scale and physics based puzzles into two distinct levels

  • Designed and oversaw the main gameplay mechanic of growing and shrinking objects


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